Sharp Solutions, LLC

Sharp Solutions offers a wealth of innovative staffing strategies that give our clients an edge in a rapidly changing business environment. We provide skilled professionals in all staffing areas. Our applicant base includes employees who have made a career in skilled construction work as well as individuals that have employed our resources to secure rewarding direct positions.

Sharp Solutions offers a wealth of innovative staffing strategies that give our clients an edge in a rapidly changing business environment. We provide skilled professionals in all staffing areas. Our applicant base includes employees who have made a career in skilled construction work as well as individuals that have employed our resources to secure rewarding direct positions.


When all is said and done, we know your major concern is getting qualified employees in a timely manner. Many companies claim to have better people or faster services, but let us tell you what truly sets Sharp Solutions, LLC apart from everyone else.

Greater Selection of Candidates to Choose From

As business technology becomes increasingly advanced, the demand for quality personnel grows exponentially. We know that the more qualified candidates we have, the more choices we can offer you in filling your positions with qualified candidates. That is why we have worked hard to build a large database of candidates to choose from.

Internet Recruitment:

Sharp Solutions, LLC recognizes that the Internet has become a valuable employment tool. Through our web site, applicants can obtain general information about our company, view our job orders, and submit applications and resumes that go directly into our database. However, we do not stop there. Sharp Solutions, LLC posts job orders at several job boards throughout the Internet. We also search university listings and a number of other areas on the web to find good candidates.

Schools and Colleges:

Sharp Solutions, LLC is in regular contact with a number of schools and universities in the area. We post job openings and tap into the pool of recent graduates that are entering the job market.

Outplacement Firms:

Sharp Solutions, LLC maintains contact with select independent and corporate outplacement organizations in the area. Being on their contact lists has proven to be a valuable asset.

Database of Applicants:

One of our best sources of candidates comes directly from our computerized database of applicants. The software we utilize for our applicant tracking was designed and developed by staffing professionals, for staffing professionals. Our software allows us to search our database for skills, experience, and availability quickly and efficiently. From our search results, we utilize the latest technology to email or text a message to our candidates informing them about your open position so we spend less time looking through paper and more time qualifying our placements.

Recruitment Advertising:

Sharp Solutions, LLC advertises on a regular basis in The Post-Standard, The Central New York Business Exchange Magazine and the Business Journal.

Job Fairs and Trade Shows:

Sharp Solutions, LLC participates in various job fairs and trade shows in the area. Our applicant response to these events has been tremendous.

Recruiting Center:

Sharp Solutions, LLC has recruiters that continually update information on current applicant files via the telephone and through our computerized technology. This enables us to have the most current information on file for our candidates and offers a great source for uncovering new candidates.


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